ACT! 6.0 for Windows Contact
Manager® Version 6 from Sage CRM Solutions
System Requirements:
An IBM compatible computer with a Pentium 400 MHz processor
100MB of free disk space after Windows has been installed
Internet Explorer version 6 or higher (this is included on
the CD)
An SVGA video card and monitor supported by Windows running
at 800x600 pixels, with a minimum of 256 colours.
Recommended System Requirements:
An IBM compatible computer with a Pentium II processor (1
GHz or higher)
At least 128MB of RAM
At least 200 MB of free disk space after Windows has been
Internet Explorer version 6 or higher (this is included on
the CD)
An SVGA or higher resolution video card and monitor supported
by Windows running at 1024x768 pixels, with a minimum of 24-bit
true colour.
One of the following Operating
- Microsoft Windows 98 (second edition)
- Microsoft Windows ME
- Microsoft Windows NT V4 (with Service Pack 6)
- Microsoft Windows 2000 (with Service Pack 2)
- Microsoft Windows XP
Users of networked versions
should use one of the following networks:
- Microsoft Windows Networking
- Novell Netware v4.0 or above
Works alongside and integrates
Sage Line 50 using the ACT! for Line 50 product
Sage Line 100 using the ACT! for Line 100 product
Microsoft Outlook 2000 / 2002
Microsoft Outlook Express 5.5 or 6.0
Lotus Notes Mail 5.0
Internet e-mail (SMTP/POP3)
Microsoft Word 2000 / 2002
WinFax PRO 9.0 or 10.0
Microsoft TAPI-enabled telephone hardware and Caller ID support